Usually N hates the craft store, and when just the two of us go, he pitches a fit and becomes a screaming mimi in protest. Maybe it was because B was with us today, but he was a doll the whole time-giggling and flirting with the other customers. After about 20 minutes, we headed back to the pizza place, realizing that it had been about 3 hours since N had had breakfast, and B and I were starting to get hungry. We were 3 names down on the list, so we stood off to one side and let N snack on cheerios (the little 'c' means they're actually Purely-Os, and I'm too lazy to type it out a lot) until we got called. N's all boy. He's very active and loves to explore. Being confined to arms in a busy restaurant is agony for him. But he sat there the whole time, munching cheerios and "talking" to the man waiting near us.
We got called to our table around 2:30, had our order in by 2:40, and between then, and the time that N ate us completely out of snacks (about 3:50), he was a total doll. He held up sooooo well. This is a kiddo that hates noisy restaurants, and gets frustrated when we try to make him eat restaurant chicken. He had only one meltdown, and that was at 4, right before the server brought out his pizza. I am unbelievably proud of him. He did smashingly well while B and I ate, and then did well again when we went over to our friends' house to watch the extended version of The Return of the King. It's much better than the theatrical release, by the way. He went down for the night around 11, which left me time to come update this thing. Wonder if anybody's reading it? Hmmm....
In playgroup news, I talked to H the other day. She definitely didn't make The Call. That makes me quite happy, as her DH and B get along really well. It would have been a major pity for B to lose out on a friendship when he has a tough time making friends in general. I didn't think that was H's style anyway. I do, however, think she might have a suspicion as to who did do it. B's money is on A (see the post from December 2 for the rundown of all of these people). I'm thinking if anything, A called her mom (another mandatory reporter) and had her mom call in, that way she couldn't take any flack. Along the lines of mandatory reporters, I've been one. B's one. My own mother's one. I can think of 5 more people with whom we interact on a regular basis who are mandatory reporters, and I know (having talked to them) that not a single one of them made the call. Shouldn't one think that if the DOCTOR says my son's fine, and not ONE of the mandatory reporters think anything's amiss, that maybe, just maybe, we're doing all right?
I think I'll call J tomorrow and see how things are going for her. She has a c-section scheduled for the 7th, so I think I'll call and see if there's anything we can bring over to help her out. Her daughter's about 5 weeks younger than N. I'm pretty sure she didn't call. It's not that she's not smart, it's just that she doesn't seem to function that way. What other people do with their kids is their business, according to her. Anyway, she says her husband will only eat peanut butter and jelly, so I'm thinking about taking over a loaf of bread with jars of peanut butter and jelly for him, and making something else for her and her daughter. I'll update on how that goes. And now, I'm tired, so I'm going to bed.