It was Eeny's naptime. I put Rooster in Eeny's room, grabbed the naptime book, sat down on the bed, and called for Eeny to follow us.
Me: Come on, kiddo. Naptime.
Eeny: I'm fixing it!
Me: What are you fixing? Come on, it's time for nap!
E: Hang on just a second, I'm fixing it.
Me: Fixing what?
I totally should have gotten up the second I heard the word "fixing." That usually indicates something's broken, and usually further indicates that Eeny's the one who broke it. Anyway, filled with misgiving, I get up and go into the living room. My laptop sits on my desk, and has been christened "Lappy," thanks to
. Eeny is sitting at my desk, using a ball point pen like a screw driver, making whirring noises under his breath. My '7' key and my 'E' key, along with various tiny black pieces that make up the framework for these keys, are laying on the desk. "See Mom? I fix the Lappy."
Oh, dear. I really, really wanted to smack him. My $800 computer. Practically brand-new. Two keys damaged, perhaps unusable. I was so angry. I replied, "It is Mom's job to fix the Lappy. You have broken it."
My poor baby. He looked so sad and scared. He knew I was mad. He was afraid of what I'd do next. Praise God for grace. I was able to give it. I picked him up, told him Daddy would finish fixing it, and hugged him. Then I reminded him that my computer was NOT for him to touch.