The boys are still snotty. Eeny's coughing as the grand finale to his stupid cold, and Rooster's a booger with an occasional snot explosion. The post-nasal drip has made his already sensitive gag reflex kick into overdrive, so he projectile puked on me for the first time in three months.
This is Eeny, snacking on goldfish at my parents' house. He inspired a whole new level of weird parent remarks on Friday. Dad paid TheHusband to do some work for him, and TheHusband, in a fit of
I don't want to cook" compounded by my fit of, "I've been shut up in this house with two snotty kids practically all week with no adult interaction," took us to the haven that is IHOP. French Toast with boysenberry syrup made me feel much better. Anyway, the server gave Eeny crayons. Anyone who knows him knows this is a bad idea, unless you want your booth redecorated in shades of Crayola.
Eeny felt the need to test these lovely colors on everything (it came off the table, the booth, and the wall nicely), which resulted in the command to "stop coloring on your pancakes and eat them."
This is Rooster's reaction to his first bite of solid foods. Poor kid. We don't do baby cereal, so like his brother, he was started on homemade applesauce (apples and water-piece of cake). He was not amused. He does, however, like the tops of broccoli florets. Over the last couple of weeks, he has also decided that it's time to start cruising. I changed the crib sheet today, and had the mattress out on the floor. Rooster stood with his tiny butt in the air, and his wee hands braced on the mattress. I went into the hall to put something away, and TheHusband said, "Hey, did you leave him standing against the mattress?" I, thinking crib mattress said yes. Poor Rooster got the stuffing scared out of him when he heard me yelp as I came back into the room. The mattress TheHusband was referring to was Eeny's (twin) bed's mattress, which required Rooster to cruise over to the dresser, hold on to the side of the dresser, then lean precariously onto Eeny's mattress. Yeesh, this kid's fast.
In me news, it's been officially decided that I will be pursuing certification as a labor doula and lactation educator. Around here, anyway, the illustrious title of International Board Certified Lactation Consultant is starting to require an RN. I have absolutely zero desire to go to nursing school, and right now, LE is a much more financially feasible certification than trying to go to nursing school with two little kids.
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