it's all about me. deal with it.
Who's Your Happy Bunny?
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It's my Happy Bunny!
The Rooster has made the dive into solid foods with gusto. I was eating chicken soup today (I have a possible kidney infection and I feel like crap), and he pulled up on the couch next to me and smacked his lips three times. I made TheHusband feed him. Heh.
Eeny, at 3am, sounding alert, bright, and cheerful:
Hey Mom!
Me: Mmrff?
E: I want bread!
Me: Mmm..bread?
E: Mommy feels yucky? Mommy feels hot. Hot. Hm, I'm hot. Hot bread. Toast is hot.
Me (the height of grogginess): Uh-huh.
E: I want toast!
In my feverish haze, I spent the 8 o'clock hour flipping back and forth between a DVD-R'd 7th Heaven and Cinemax's showing of The Phantom of the Opera.
Gerry Butler is a handsome, handsome man. Even with half of his face distorted, I like. Having his shirt open halfway down his chest more than made up for the make up job.
I've decided I shall try and include one Gerard Butler reference in every post. I think I'll do this to see how long it takes other Gerry fans to find it. Maybe I can hook them into reading the details of my oh so fascinating life.
Possible kidney infection fun: Doc doesn't call back after I've called the office at two complaining of a fever (if you must know, it's 99.5, but since my normal temperature's 96.3, that translates my 99.5 into something closer to 102.7 for the average mere mortal), lower back pain, and general crap for crappiness, and it's after five. I feel like total crap, and since I hate feeling like crap, and furthermore, the wellbeing of two small urchins depends on my not feeling like crap, I call the office again at 10 to 6. They page the doc, who calls me back 40 minutes later to tell me to bring in a urine sample in the morning. If he runs a pregnancy test on it, I shall be most displeased. The peed-on stick of two days ago indicated that is an impossibility.
The fatigue from this stupid illness is very similar to first trimester of pregnancy tiredness, but there's no fever with that.
Medical websites should not post things like, "The result of an untreated kidney infection is blood poisoning and death," without clarifying some sort of time frame. "Yes, if you let this go for a week and a half, you'll turn septic, but two days isn't going to send you over the edge." I think that would do quite nicely, don't you?
I'm sleeping on the couch tonight, but I'm avoiding going to sleep. Sleeping with a fever is a guaranteed wake up feeling hot and oogie deal. Of all the things I hate, I hate feeling hot and oogie. Eeny's sleeping with DarthHusband in the bed which is too hard for my feverish self, and I'm about to go bring Rooster out to the couch with me, although I think I'll put him on his floor cushion (foam, flat, and kid friend) until he wakes up for the first time. I don't want to be touched. I want to feel better. ::::whine::::
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