I grew up with a very strong father figure. My dad was a student, and worked really long hours trying to finish up his doctorate. Even though he wasn't often around in the evenings, he was at the plays, games, and school events. His rules and his presence were felt, even if he wasn't there. Don't get me wrong, I have an awesome dad. He's smart, he's funny, and he knows how to talk me through my anxiety (something DH has never learned how to do), and he loves me very much.
Unfortunately, I never really got to see him and my mom in action together. I didn't really see the division of labor, as it were. I do remember him pitching in easily around the house (still does), and getting things cleaned up, and making dinner, all without being told.
I guess what happened in my case is that DH took over some of the fathering roles. I had only lived by myself for six months before we got married. Sometimes I wonder what would've happened if I'd chosen to stay living by myself and we'd broken up....
Like the ribbon? It's my Two Years of Breastfeeding award. I like it. I think I shall put it in the margins, since I have just recently figured out this html business.
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