Yes, that's spackle on the baby's head. The middle child apparently didn't have enough to do, and felt that covering his own head, and that of his brother with color changing spackle (goes on purple, dries white) would be a greeeeaaaat way to spend a few minutes.
I heard all 3 kids in the dining room and then realized it was way too quiet. We've repainted the living and dining rooms recently, and DH left the paint stuff cleaned, packed into the corner, and ready to go. The spackle (polyfiller for the Brits that aren't reading my humble blog :P) container is far from childproof. Ugh.
Fortunately, it came off the walls, the floor, and both of the little boys. The eldest, who was drawing in the dining room 5 feet away from the Spackling Offender didn't feel it necessary to tell me what was going on. Booger. :)
Life with boys is never boring, that's for sure. ;)
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