Friday, March 04, 2005

What a day

Today is the birthday of A's twins. For those that are unaware, Lily passed away at the age of two months from SIDS. One of the members of our online community made a scrapbook for A and her family, and posted the pics today. I looked through them, and through the pictures I took on N and my trip to Lily's funeral. It seems somehow appropriate to type out her name even though I use initials for everyone else. She should be known. Going through the pictures today, it hit me again what a tremendous little personality was lost. You could tell she was a bubbly baby. Nothing was going to keep her down. I am so, so heartbroken that I didn't get to meet her.

N is awake now. He should be asleep, but he stirred, and he needed his last dose of antibiotic for the day, and since it's pure sugar, he's now wide awake. That's okay though. I'm so grateful for the chance to just hold him.

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