Saturday, July 17, 2004

Teething sucks

I hate teething.  When N's teething, things suck.  He won't nap unless I nap with him.  While this results in a very rested me, it also results in a very messy house.  He fusses and whines, and won't go to sleep at night.  He bites when he nurses, plays, eats, or is lacking something fun to do.  My shoulder has red marks all over it from Baby Fang.  Bleagh.  I wish these stupid molars would just come in already and leave my poor kid alone.  The two on the bottom are what's causing all of the hassle.  I'm sick of this peek-through-and-then-go-back business.  It bites, and I want it over with yesterday.                                                                                           You can tell when N's teething.  His sleep habits go to hell in a handbasket with a first-class ticket on the Concorde (it's no longer running between NY, London and Paris, it's now shuttling my son's sleep habits back and forth from the pits of Hades).  He'll nurse for two seconds, then pop off, squirm frantically, and just try his hardest to keep himself awake.  I don't get enough sleep, because he wakes up as the epitome of the well-rested, adjusted, sunshine-happy kid, while I fumble around for my glasses, wondering where the little monster put them.  After I retrieve my glasses from his tightly clenched fingers, wipe off the drool, teeth marks, and fingerprints, then I can get started for the day, which is really a nice idea in theory, but in practice, turns out to not work out at all, because by the time I've gotten breakfast, eaten, fed N, gotten N and myself in and out of a shower that didn't last nearly long enough because N decided to climb out of his shower chair and attempt to hurl himself into the tile floor outside the tub, and gotten N rediapered (an ordeal in itself--you'd think he was meant to be naked or something), he's ready for a nap.  Of course, the nap doesn't last long enough to go any good, so when it's time to sleep, he's too tired to go down, even if we rush him in at the first sign of tired.  Tonight he'd be almost out, then jerk himself awake again.  I feel bad for him.  I wonder if he had a bad dream or something.  I sincerely hope those stupid teeth come all the way through soon.  I want my happy baby back.

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