Sunday, September 05, 2004

Time to play...

...what shall we name the baby? We're picky about these things. As of right now, a girl might be Moira Lindsay (our son has DH's middle name), and we'll probably call her Molly, and a boy's middle name this time around will be Mackay or some variant thereof. Name selection is tough for us, because we're both so opinionated. I like things that 99% of the time will be pronounced correctly, and spelled correctly by people just hearing the name. That's my only difficulty with Moira right now. I say it, and people say, "What?" and look really confused. After repeating it 9 times, they usually get it, but I'm beginning to wonder if it's worth the effort. Popularity does play a role in our selections. We're okay with our kids having another kid of the same name in the school, but since DH is a teacher, we realize the inconvenience for all involved in having 8 Jadens or Spencers in the same class. Since my background (and to a lesser extent, but still major, DH's) is Scottish, we'd like to stick with Scottish names. Of course, B likes Irish and Welsh names, too. But I have this strange opinion that to mix our nationalities like that will make us look like Pseudo-Intellectual Neo-Celtic Baby Name Bandwagoneers. Of course, no rational person would consider this sort of thing when naming their newest little darling, so I'd like to claim for myself the official title of Baby Name Neurotic. That gonna be okay with everyone? To make our decision just a little bit more fun, we have an Ellis Island travesty of a last name (come on, people, the original wasn't that difficult) which also happens to be a common household noun, and therefore any remotely noun, adjective, or verb-like name (Rose, Harry, Emma--sounds too much like 'I'm a' with our name) is right out. Names are never 100% bully proof, but we'll do our best to make them as much so as possible. So you see, naming a baby is one of those things that takes us for-freaking-ever to do, and if this kid has a name by the time s/he's a year, we'll consider ourselves very fortunate.

1 comment:

Ani said...

I vote Sorcha! Or Enya. Or...Deotis. :D

LOL Seriously- I like Moira (a lot, actually) but please remember you live in the Near-South, and do you really want to hear your kid referred to MOY-ruh or Myra for most of her little life?