Thursday, November 03, 2005


Something in my living room has been whiffy. I couldn't figure out what it was. I thought that when I changed Rooster's diaper on the couch, and set the wet on the back of it, that TheHusband had removed it. Maybe he didn't and it was buried in the cushions. I checked all of the cushions and the trash can.

Sure enough--one wet dipe that hadn't been folded properly. Eeeeew. This does not happen on a regular basis. In fact, I daresay this is a first. Still, the whiffyness remained.

This evening, on Day Three of what is now The Stench, and I reach under the middle cushion on our sectional, thinking that perhaps a diaper got stuck under there. I don't know how it could have happened, but it smells. My hand feels nothing, but I decide to lift the cushion and double check.

Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew.


It's a dead mouse.

I hate dead mice almost as much as live spiders (I made TheHusband off one of them this evening, too). Squished, stinky, crusty dead mice are pretty darn high up on the list of things that make me want to vomit. We've just recently come through our first cold snap of the season. I thought the traps in the den had been a wee bit more active than usual (how's three of the little vermin in a week?). Eeeeeuuugh.

TheHusband, brave, heroic, and strong stomached man that he is, removed the mouse for me. It had gotten stuck on the bar that holds the two sides of the couch together. The only thing that could have happened to crush the wee beastie was one of us sitting on the couch just as it crawled onto the bar. This leaves me with two thoughts:

1) There's impeccable timing for you
2) My ass may be a mouse-murderer

I shall contemplate these things later....

Eeny is hitting Rooster a lot. It's getting on my nerves. I think I'll start taking him to playgroup by himself so that he can have some Mommy time. Sometimes I miss it being just the two of us. I took him with me to a consignment shop today to drop off outgrown clothes, and it was so fun to have him with me. :)

Rooster has just awakened for the night, followed by his brother. This kid needs to stop trying to pull up on anything that will hold still for a second. He's going to get bruises on his cute little face.

He was crying until I came into the room. Even though it was completely dark, he quieted down as soon as I came in. He started cooing when I reached for him, and he's now sitting on my lap blowing raspberries as I try to finish typing this.

These kids are cute. I think I shall keep them.

Friend needs to go into labor. She's 41 weeks pregnant and miserable. I feel so badly for her. She had a good BPP today, and she feels fine. I just hope for her sake that it's soon. She's getting annoyed with all of the comments.

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