Thursday, December 29, 2005


I've been so bad about updating.

We've all been sick. I'm so sick of having sickness in the house. It started with the stomach bug in November. Then it was a little cold. Then it was another stomach bug, worse than the first one, but Rooster was thankfully spared the indignity of spewing every last ounce of liquid from his chunky little body. Loosely translated: Mummy was very glad to have avoided being thrown up on in the middle of the night.

Then, everyone was well for three days, and Rooster came down with The Cold From Hell. My cousin, a pediatrician, listened to us over the phone and heard my description of the night before. She said he probably had bronchiolitis. Ick. He's recovering, but we're all still phlegmy. Dang, I hate phlegm.

Christmas was good for TheHusband and the boys. They all got tons of stuff they wanted. I got the Betty Crocker Bake and Fill set I requested, and two Old Navy gift cards. I shouldn't be an ungrateful bitch, but I reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally wanted the toddler bag I asked for. I didn't get it. My purse is falling apart, and I do need a new bag. I'm just picky as all get out.

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