Saturday, April 29, 2006


I am definitely not pregnant. That's fine with me, as I need to get back into shape before I contemplate stretching everything out with another of DarthHusband's monsterbabies. We'll try again early next year or the year after. I'd like to make sure my nasty veins are in the best shape possible. We'll see if I can do this pregnancy thing without gaining 72lbs again, too.


Me: I'm bringing the doula training workshop to My Fair City in June. I'm taking Eeny to see The Wiggles Live in May. I still heart Gerard Butler. I told DarthHusband I'd go see 300 with him. He knows my real motivation for going, but will take me to see it anyway. Good man.

DarthHusband: The CPAP is life changing, truly. It's amazing what proper oxygenation at night will do for one's mood and health. We're now having marital relations on a regular basis, and our marriage is infinitely better off for it.
He was even nice to Jehovah's Witnesses the other day. I missed the real him so much.

Eeny: Talking up a storm, pretending his fingers are walking people, saying things like, "I need my favorite toy," and still nursing. I never thought I'd still be nursing at this age, and I admit I'm ready for him to decide to wean whenever he wants. However, it's awfully cute to see him walk over to me, lay his head in my lap and say, "I would really really love a little bit of my favorite Nee." He's such a cutie, and is nicely outgrowing his runaway phase, which makes public outings much, much easier.

The Rooster: 'Tis himself. He's taking 3 or 4 steps at a time, but isn't really walking tremendously well yet. He's jabbering more, and says Mama, Dada, Eeeyah (Eeny), and this, that, and "Cheese!" The last one is said while shutterbug mommy's in his face with the camera. He's such a cutie. He got kicked out of KidZone at the gym today for wanting to be held all the time. They won't let him return that day if I've had to go get him, so my Pilates class was shot, but that's okay, because he's such a snugglebunny. He's cutting 8 teeth--all 4 molars and all 4 eye teeth--so he's a million kinds of miserable, and two of them broke through today. I feel so badly for him.

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