Wednesday, May 31, 2006


Life here's good. Rooster's still working on the teeth. 6 of 8 are through, and since he's beginning to actually get decent at walking more than two steps at a time, he's sleeping for crap, poor baby. Poor mama, too.

Eeny's all of a sudden become a conversationalist. This morning's discussion:

E: Hi Mom!
Me: (under the covers and barely awake) Mmmfhhff. Hi.
E: Mom! Wake up!
Me: I'm awake. (yawn)
E: Where's Rooster?
Me: Right beside me.
E: (thinks for a minute) Can I have some Nee?
Me: Count of ten, but that's it. Then you can snuggle.
[We count to ten] Okay, that's it. Time to snuggle.
E: Can I go play cars now?
Me: Sure.
E: Okay. I'm going to the other room.

DarthHusband's out of school for the summer, and we're figuring out how to make all of our schedules work. He wants to make sure he gets to the gym every day, and I want to make sure we get lots of house projects done, and lots of kid stuff done, too.

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