Thursday, December 02, 2004

The Black Hole

Still nothing. I sent the email out on Friday. I haven't heard one word from anyone. No email, no phone call, no nasty or nice letter. Not a thing. Seriously, how hard is it to get an email, then take two minutes to respond, "Wow, that sucks! I have no idea who did it," or "Yeah, I did it, and I'd do it again...fuck you." It's really not that difficult, people.

I just want something, anything. At this point I don't even care what it is. It's starting to make me think most of them were in on it together. Let's see.....
H: Always checks her email in the mornings, and I haven't heard a peep from her. She was the one that watched N the day the call was made

A: Currently out of the country visiting her in-laws. Checks her email infrequently anyway. Is a nurse (and therefore a mandatory reporter), and a worrywart to boot. Also seems to be jealous of my friendship with H and called H's house while I was there with N on the day the call came in

J: Honestly, I didn't think she would. This one routinely tells us at playgroup that her daughter has had enough snacks, and not to give her anymore. How that's different from me refusing to give my kid crapsnacks in the first place is beyond me. I just figured she was more of a live and let live kind of girl. She's always seemed that way to me. She's also another pregnant one (there are three of us).

S: I don't think she's been to enough playgroups recently to have been privy to this whole iron-thing, nor do I think she knows that I've even seen an OB at all.

T: This one minds her business. Just hers. No one else's. I really doubt she'd be so concerned about what someone else is doing to go to that great a length to prove them wrong.

M: This one I know didn't do it. She was the first person I called after I called Brandon and my social worker friends. She said herself, "I'm a Republican--I wouldn't do that." Regardless of political party, she firmly believes the government has no place sticking its nose into my parenting business, and she's working with me to help figure out who did this.

I'm seeing her today. I think what we'll have her do is call and arrange a playgroup, then see if she can bring it up there.

Of course, there's a very strong likelihood that most of these women just haven't checked their email yet......

1 comment:

Lunasea said...

Wow - I thought someone would step up and say they were sorry it happened. Hopefully many of them just haven't read their e-mail.