Thursday, June 16, 2005

Suspended Animation

So, this might help LunaSea, who seems to have sent all of the ants to my place. If the nasty little buggers pop up again, kill them with Dawn.

In my everlasting tidiness, I left an empty juice glass by the computer. I came in a little later to remove it, and found ants all over the bottom of it. I took it to the kitchen and squirted dish soap in it, and now the ants are in some sort of strange suspended animation. Either way, they're not moving anymore, and I hope they're dead. I hate ants. They rank just below spiders and snakes.

H has the beginning of an ear infection. This is uncharted territory for us, as N has never had an ear infection in his life. So we're squirting breastmilk in it while we complete the three day wait to see if we'll need antibiotics. N has a cold. My poor babies. :( I hate it when they're sick.

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