Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Erm, fun.

The boys I got back around 9 last night from St. Louis. We met up with some of the moms from one of my boards. My hostess got sick the second night, so we had to get a hotel room, but that turned out okay because N really needed a break. I asked a lot of him this weekend, and he held up beautifully. The trip home was a lot easier than the trip out there.

On the way there, I had to stop every hour or two for at least 10 minutes to nurse H and attempt to get N out and give him his danged nuggets. The kid asked for chicken nuggets at least every hour. I took the wrong highway headed out of town, so I suppose I deserved it. LOL What should have been a 6 hour and 41 minute trip according to MapQuest took 10 hours.

On the trip home, I had to stop exactly 4 times. Once for gas, once to retrieve a dropped car, book, and train (I swear, if that kid had dropped Thomas the Tank Engine's friend Henry one more time, I would have super glued it to his hand), once for about 15 minutes to nurse H while N stayed in his car seat, and once for all of us to get out, get nuggets and a burger for me, have my snazzy new stroller admired, and stop by my good friend Starbucks to obtain the iced cafe mocha that got me home. I buy from the local coffee shop when in town, but when in a strange place, Starbucks will do.

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