Sunday, August 29, 2004

I'm baaaaaaaack

N and I flew in on Tuesday from our visit to Canada. It was okay. It was really nice to see my grandparents again for what was probably the last time, and by the end of our visit, N liked them, too. The rest of the trip on the island wasn't nearly as fun. For one thing, Nana and Gramps' house was much easier to N-proof than this place was, the second thing was that N's bottom two molars decided that just being through wasn't enough, and that more pain could still be caused, the third thing was that the top two decided to act up with a vengeance, and the fourth thing was that in spite of my parents saying they'd be glad to help me with the care and feeding of N in the absence of my husband, they would take him just long enough for me to get into the really nice, deep sleep of a newly pregnant woman, then they'd run into the room, dump N on me and say they were 'running-over-to-so-and-so's-cabin-here's-the-baby-wake-up-now.' This left an extremely groggy me with a cranky baby who wanted to know where his adoring subjects suddenly went. He also started missing DH really badly about 2 days into it. Nothing would make him happy, he just wandered around the house aimlessly, pushing his cars around and whining because he wanted Dah. I don't want to take a trip with a young child without B again. Not fun at all. He did beautifully on the flights up. No ear problems or anything. The flights back weren't as fun. They were earlier in the day (right around naptime), he was cranky, and he figured out how to kick the seat in front of him. Fortunately, a three year old was in the seat, and didn't seem to care. Many, many thanks to the parents of AJ for having such a wonderful child. May you reap the benefits of his sweetness for the rest of your lives. :) On the 2nd flight home, N kicked the seat of the nice older lady sitting in front of us. I asked the flight attendant if they could offer her a nicer seat, and apologized profusely. She said not to worry about it and that she'd stay where she was. I kind of wish she had moved. I felt like I had to worry about the seat kicking the whole time. Fortunately though, N fell asleep about 15 minutes into the flight, and stayed asleep until we deplaned. Now, for my brilliant idea of the month. I think that airplanes should have family seating sections. I don't really mind sitting in front of a little kid--having one, I know what to expect, but I felt irritated that I had to worry so much about his behavior on the flight back. He's 13 months old, for crying out loud. He's going to fuss, and probably be cranky during the flight. I just hated seeing the other passengers wince when they saw us get on the plane. I heard a few of them mutter to their seatmates that they hoped we'd be far away. I think it'd just be easier if they could group all of the kids together in one area, maybe with a teeeensy bit more leg room (so we don't feel so much like sardines, and seat-kicking is more difficult), and with toys and kids' books in the pockets. Kids like to be near other kids, so I think that'd help cut down on the noise. Our smoothest flights were when there were other kids in the seats in front of or behind us. So....that's my novel for the evening. I'll have to keep this thing updated more often.

1 comment:

Lunasea said...

I hear ya - this was the first trip that A. was tall enough to kick the seat in front of him. He's flown probably 14 times, and this was by far the toughest. No empty seats, either. Sorry, lady.