Friday, September 03, 2004


It's Friday. Yay. We just refinanced. We're paying off a department store credit card today. The payment was due yesterday. B goes into the store in an hour to take care of it. He wanted me to call yesterday, but I had some unexpected company and didn't hear my phone reminder. I left the house with turned-off phone in hand to take stuff to the mortgage company, and left my wallet on my nightstand. The wallet has the card and phone number in it. Needless to say, since I was out the rest of the day, by the time I turned the phone on, and got to playgroup, my wallet was far, far away, which means I didn't call the company to tell them we'd be paying a whole day late. When I worked for the wireless company, I'd get people calling to say they were paying a day late. We didn't give a rat's ass. Nothing was going to happen for one day late. We'd just chalk it up to the mail being slow or something. I mean, there's not even a button to push for 'paying a day late.' However, B is now positive our credit is completely screwed because of me not calling. @@ Ugh. I talked to Bridezilla yesterday. I told her the reason people were being meeeeeeeeean to her on HER DAY was because she was screaming at people she claimed to be friends with, and that none of us deserved to be treated like that regardless of how important HER DAY was to her. She apologized, but I have a sneaking feeling that she has no idea she was being that awful, and simply can't comprehend it. B's going to play Risk with the guys tonight, and N and I will have to do the same thing we've done all day. Nothing. Since N took an evil 10 minute power nap today, I'm going to try to put him down again. He's sitting in his high chair, looking tired and eating cheerios and peaches for lunch. He nursed to sleep, and when I tried to latch him off and take him to the bedroom, he woke up and refused to go back to sleep. I HATE POWER NAPS!!! So now, I'm desperately searching through my phone book to find friends with no kids near me so that I can have something fun to do tonight. Bleagh. I think it'll just be N, me, and frozen pizza tonight.

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