Friday, October 15, 2004


A friend I've gotten close to over the last few months had a baby tonight. :) She has changed so much from the way she used to be, and has really grown and discovered some things about herself. Anyway, the road to this birth has been very difficult for her (gallbladder surgery, preterm labor, weeks of prodromal labor, etc), but she wanted a VBAC, and she did what she thought she had to do. She'd ask me for information, but mostly she just wanted encouragement. I've really enjoyed going through this pregnancy with her and encouraging her. She went in Tuesday night, sure she was in labor for real this time. 2cm, and the nurse said 80% effaced. She was admitted for contractions, got some sleep, and when she woke up the next morning, was told that the nurse who examined her before was wrong, and she was actually barely 2, and only about 6% (where they got that exact number, I have no idea) effaced. The plan had been to go ahead and start pitocin, but since her cervix was still in the state it was, the midwife felt it unwise to induce at that point. She then gave my friend the choice of waiting a few days (which she said she'd recommend even if she didn't want to VBAC after all), or going ahead with the section. She had the option to end her weeks of little sleep, and almost constant contractions before everyone in her family (except for her son and DH) left town for a vacation on Sunday. She amazed me. She got up, told the midwife that she'd come this far, and she wanted to be done being pregnant, but still didn't want the section, so she'd go home, thanks. And go home she did. She spend yesterday sleeping at home. I didn't call her because I knew she was disappointed that she hadn't had the baby yet, and I didn't want to intrude.

I was so thrilled to pick up the phone tonight and hear, "I did it!" She has a beautiful, healthy baby boy, 8lb, 7oz, and curly red hair. Of her VBAC, she said only this, "I needed this so much."

What a powerful experience this has been, and she's halfway across the country from me. Listening to her joy after her birth has helped me. I'm looking forward to labor again.

And I might, just might, be able to become a doula after all.

In other happy news, I attended a book signing today, by Tomie dePaola. I love his art work. For those who don't know, he wrote and illustrated "Strega Nona," adapted and illustrated, "Stone Soup," and wrote and illustrated many other books. He was very gracious, and even though the signing was only supposed to last for an hour, it was well after that when I left, and he was still sitting there, smiling and signing away. N was that child while we were there (overstimulated, poor kid), and kept screaming and screeching at inopportune moments, in spite of a few minutes in the rocker with "Miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii" (milk). However, not one disparaging comment was made, and Mr. dePaola took the time out to try and get a smile out of the kid. We got a picture (which I'm trying to upload, but my (*&#@$# cd drawer won't open, so I can't put it in. Grrr. All in all, a fun day. :)

1 comment:

T said...

I'm so happy for your friend too!!!!!!!!!! I started thinking about her on my way into work today and started crying those happy tears.

You could be a doula. You'd be a great doula!