Monday, October 04, 2004

So maybe I'm a little evil

I was listening to a mom talk about why she couldn't breastfeed tonight, and it set my little hamster wheels turning. I'm working with a mom right now who is having issues with basic baby care, and one of those issues is mixing formula properly. So--that said, here's my response to the next time I encounter, "I was just too worried to breastfeed. I mean, not knowing how many ounces were in there? Would I even be able to make enough milk?"

I wasn't able to formula feed. There was just too much worry involved for me. I mean, having to measure amounts exactly, and worrying about electrolyte balances, and water intoxication, and possible contaminants in the water--oh, and there was that time a friend opened up a can of powder to find something small and dead with legs in it. No, I was just too high strung to bottlefeed."

Disclaimer: I am well aware that there are some darn good reasons for not breastfeeding. This post doesn't address those. This addresses a response I've heard before that makes little sense to me. If this offends, too bad. It's TIC, and that's that.

There. Off my evil little soapbox now.

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