Monday, October 11, 2004

The Name Dilemma

Is finally over. ::::::cautiously knocking on wood:::::::: Many people I know say they had to find out the sex of the expected child because they are planners, and they had to know. We're planners, too. But since we don't find out the sex, we pour our planning neuroses into picking the perfect name for our baby. We did it with N, and with this kid, too. I'm sure we'll do it with the others. Anyway, B called me from the theater (he's an assistant manager for a few dollars and hour and free movies--not bad for a weekend thing) this afternoon to tell me that he had picked The boy's name, and that I'd better like it. Fortunately, I do. A girl will be named Elinor Lindsay and a boy will be named Henry McKay. If people don't like these, that's too dang bad.:)
I should probably be a good wife and a nice person and consider DH's feelings of pride and accomplishment in picking this wonderful boy's name. However, pregnancy makes me snarky, and I'll lie in wait for the perfect moment to remind him that he nixed Henry when I was pregnant with N. I'll bet large sums of money (or chocolate, whichever's handy) he'll deny it hotly, and then get mad and sulk, and then in a few months, I'll have a list of boy names in my hands a mile long.

1 comment:

Lunasea said...

Oooh, nice names!