Thursday, November 11, 2004

Just thought I'd let you all know. I will be hosting Thanksgiving dinner for the first time. We're looking at 9 or 11 people. My parents and siblings, us, and B's parents and 1 of his brothers and his SIL.

I decided that I did not want to drag a recalcitrant toddler to a strange, un-Nproofed house after an hour's drive, only to chase him around and keep him out from underfoot while dinner is being made, and then waiting on said dinner for 3 hours because BIL and his wife don't know how to freaking plan ahead and insist on having dinner with both his family and hers on the same day, in locations that are 8 hours apart, and my ILs don't freaking now how to just start eating without them in spite of their starving grandson and daughter-in-law. That said, this should be interesting...

My parents are bringing the wine, a few of the sides, and the Hawaiian rolls (traditional for us). They are also keeping N for the morning, so that B can make the Good Eats recipe turkey, and I can focus on more side dishes and dessert.
My ILs are bringing the pop (no one else drinks it, and I can guarantee you they'll show up with 5 or 6-2 liter bottles, even though FIL will be the only one drinking pop and he only drinks Diet Pepsi. They are also bringing the white rolls and wheat rolls (traditional for B's family), and my MIL's fruit salad. Sometimes I think I'm the only person in the world who hates fruit salad.
BIL and SIL, if we're lucky, will be bringing themselves in a timely manner, and will be able to attend the dinner when we all sit down promptly at three.

So, in the spirit of Our Family (meaning B, Me, N, and Fidget), I've laid down the law and invited the whole pack of them to our house. Please seriously consider any future postings in light of my temporary insanity.

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