Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Translation, please

N's a chatty monkey. He doesn't say much in the way of actual words besides the stuff he mimics (nanana, okay okay okay, yay, pweeees, etc). He has very serious, long, babbly strings of conversation that I am expected to respond to with the utmost solemnity and concern. He even sings. B and I sing Raffi's "Baby Beluga" to him often, and he hears "Three Little Ducks" at playgroups and story time regularly, so I suppose it shouldn't come as a surprise to hear him vocalizing cadences from each song while running his cars over the end tables. It melts my heart.

But the real reason I need the translation is that His Nibs has decided to go with one particular phrase as His Sound, and I have no idea what it means. It appears that "Oh-Bwee!" seems to mean everything from "Hi Mum" to "It's time to change my diaper now--I stink." So until I figure out what Oh-Bwee means, I'll have to make up my own meanings for it.

1 comment:

Lunasea said...

When he was around N's age, A's all-purpose word was "Ahh-dah!" Sometimes it was petulant, sometimes triumphant. We considered naming our fish "Ahh-Dah" because it was all A said.