Saturday, September 10, 2005

Just when you thought you were safe

from the Monster that is Teething, you have another cute, innocent, sweet little baby who also decides that 5 months is the perfect time to cut a tooth.

I'm renaming the kids, by the way. The initials are annoying me. N will now be known as Eeny. H is now Rooster. There. I feel much better.

Eeny cut his first two teeth at 5 months, so H seems to be trying to make this a pattern. Ack. Anyway, Mr. Cranky Rooster got up from a late nap around 9. He then proceeded to yell through his dose of Hyland's Teething Tablets, which worked for about 10 minutes. We couldn't find the Tylenol, much to my dismay. He screamed and refused to nurse through an online attempt of mine to find a dress to wear to two upcoming weddings (I have 5 months or so to go from housefrau to Hot, and I needed to find a dress for motivation), and proceeded to refuse to nurse and to bitch and moan for the next hour, in spite of my best attempts to solve his problems.

Finally, I took him to the other room to waltz around in the dark and sing. The little booger snickered at my version of "On my Own" from Les Mis. It wasn't a bad job of it, but Someone obviously has a skewed sense of taste in music. I thought about doing a few from Phantom of the Opera or Carousel, but he's already a tough audience.
It's not fair. TheHusband can't carry a tune in an airtight container, but both of the boys love his singing. :::flail::::

Still looking for a job. A psychiatrist in town may employ me as a typist for his notes. I can do that from home, so I hope it works.

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