Thursday, September 15, 2005


According to Entertainment Weekly's "The Shaw Report," Mother/Child blogs are In. Woohoo! I'm finally participating in something that is In. Usually I'm very Five Minutes Ago.

I've decided I want to be In in other ways, too. I saw a fashion special on E! a few weeks ago, and they talked about a cascade curl perm. I tried cascade curls on me with an iron, and they don't look too bad. I shall add it to my birthday list. As we are financially screwed (thanks to the Hospital Stay--woohoo! 7 grand we can't afford!), the only way I'll be getting any hair pampering is through birthday gifts.

I don't know what else to add to my birthday list.

I went through a Realty Simulator to see what a realty company thinks my aptitude for that particular career is. I didn't push Customer A enough, and I think I pushed Customer C too hard. I think my results will be something along the lines of, "Boy, that sucked. Please do not ever visit our website again. Never, ever, ever."

Mommy stuff now. I cloth diaper the boys part-time. Rooster's outgrown all of his covers, and Eeny's so squirmy it's hard to change him. However, my mother generously ordered some IttyBittyBottoms covers for me, and they arrived today. I LOVE to get mail. I especially love to get packages of cloth diapering supplies. :) These covers are great! I will definitely be ordering from her again. The only thing I'd want is to have a little more fabric over the thigh. Rooster's such a chunkybutt that it's tough to find clothes to fit his legs.

Eeny has started ending phrases in "dot com." His winners from yesterday were "Bub-bob (SpongeBob) dotcom?" "Daddy dot-com?" and "Rooster dot-com?" He always sounds like he's asking a question. He also says, Zassa (that's a) and Zississa (this is a) as the first word to just about any statement. He can now identify all but one car make in our neighborhood. He finally picked up Lincoln today. He's still having trouble with Saab, but we'll get there. It's hilarious to hear this high-pitched little kid voice riding down the street in his stroller naming all of the cars passing and parked on the side of the road.

A typical walk conversation sounds like this:
"Car? Tree? Doggy? Borb (Ford)? Leeenkon? Meercury? Zassa Nis-san? Zississa bi-cy-cle? Volkswagen?" Yes, the child actually says Volkswagen. I left the boys with a neighbor while I went to see TheHusband at the hospital last month, and they went for a walk. One of them owns a yellow Beetle. This is what she said happened:

Neighbor: Bug?
Eeny: Volks-wagen.
Neighbor: It's a bug.
Eeny: Volkswagen!
Neighbor: Bug.
Eeny: (grabs neighbors hand and pulls her around to the front of the car and points at the hood ornament) Volkswagen!

This kid cracks me up.

Rooster is learning to scoot. Everywhere. I caught him getting up on his hands and knees several times today. I'm thinking he'll be crawling by 7 months. I just don't know what to do with a kid who's mobile so soon. Eeny wasn't crawling until just shy of 9 months. This brings a whole new dimension to babyproofing.

Eeny's up. He's crying and wants Mama, Nee, and Bed.

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