Sunday, February 19, 2006

I'm back

It's been a while. Things have been busy. TheHusband has Obstructive Sleep Apnea. I'm listening to him choke and struggle to breathe over the baby monitor now. He's very excited about getting his CPAP machine. He's looking forward to being able to breathe and actually get beyond stage one sleep for once.

The Gerard Butler fascination continues. Dang, he's hot.

I went to the Women's Fair today, with C (business partner and friend). We've nicely networked ourselves into some free advertising. :D Yay us! We had to park at the local baseball stadium, and a shuttle service was provided. The shuttle service was intelligent enough to provide us with eye candy drivers. C and I hopped on the bus and had the lovely opportunity to swoon. Shuttle Driver number one was vurra vurra nice. Shuttle Driver Number Two was also very nice, and it turns out I knew him from college. If I'd married him, I could have had redheaded children. C seemed impressed by my knowing the eye candy.

TheHusband and I have just been released from our last free session of marriage counseling. It's been a very positive thing. Now, if he'll just get some sleep so his sex drive can return, I'll be a happy woman.....


HeyItsBeej said...

You're back!

Now write more stuff.


CNH said...

I had almost forgotten about the blue eyed eye candy! Thanks for reminding me. What smart people those bus driver hirers were!