Saturday, February 25, 2006

I’m tired. And cranky. Very cranky. AF #2 since Rooster’s birth, and it hasn’t been very kind to me in the hormonal department. I hate it when I’m a bitch, but at this time, I don’t really have the energy to be anything but.

Rooster has started shaking his head “no.” He does it for fun, and it’s freaking adorable. Usually when someone’s talking about how Eeny is going to do something, he starts the shaking, with a big grin, as if he knows exactly what he’s doing. He calls me Mama. Eeny didn’t use Mama to mean me until well after a year old. This is nice. :) He’s such a snuggly little monkey. He’s getting closer to walking, but he still has this thing about moving that foot forward. Since he was crawling at 5 months, I’d held out hope for an early walker. No dice. I can almost guarantee this kid won’t walk before he turns one (April 5th).

Eeny is a crack up. TheHusband was putting him down for a nap today, and from his bedroom I hear, “No, Daddy! No, no, no, no, no! No take a nap! I need to play with my belly button!” Kinda hard to argue with that logic. Then tonight, while getting ready for bed (and this is a big cognitive thing), he was speaking in a very muffled tone, and DH asked, “Why does your voice sound like that?” Eeny answered, “I’ve got muffin in my mouth.” I’m so impressed. He’s 31 months old. Three is just around the corner. I can’t believe it. Three just seems so…well…big.


CNH said...

You're cranky! I wondered why we haven't been having our usual 'stream of consciousness' phone calls the past two days! You need coffee and chocolate tonight woman! Ditch the kids and The Husband and come out with me! We will TIVO the Sunday night line-up!

Lindsay said...

I wish I could have. Maybe we can later this week, when I'm no longer feeling like death warmed over.