Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Not a Kidney Infection

Instead, it's either the flu or a nasty virus that's been going around. And now, for your Gerard Butler Reference of the Day (drumroll, please): I wonder if he's had it.

There. You may all now stop holding your breath.

My fever went up tonight to 100.7, which is "I feel like ass" territory. It's come down with some ibuprofen and adequate hydration. Hmph. These bodies of ours are so dang picky. Always needing food, water, and sleep. Demanding, demanding, demanding. I've been too tired to eat the last few days, and I've had zero appetite. Hence, a brand new, 10-pound weightloss. Not exactly how I wanted to get my weight down, but I'll take it for now.

I promised Eeny he could do Pilates with me tomorrow, if I feel up to it. He's very excited about it.

The Rooster has decided that since he has now figure out how to manipulate all of his limbs, save his legs (without using the furniture for balance, that is), he is now big enough to start doing his own stunts. Seriously. DarthHusband bought him a tshirt that reads, "I do my own stunts." Today, the child picks up a pillow, throws it (over his head) in front of him, and flings himself down on it, arms up, face first. Then, when the pillow got old, he went to the carpet in Eeny's room and did the same thing, sans pillow, on the carpet.

He also stuck Mr. Potato Head's eyes into the ear socket all by himself.

Eeny danced around today singing about how he's playing his guitar with Murray. That's child's adorable. A run to the doctor's office for a urine sample today meant we missed this morning's episode of The Wiggles. Good thing we have two on DVD-R. No. Really.

In planning for this year's Halloween costume, I think I shall send him as a Wiggle. Perhaps even the revered Murray.

In other news, according to the nurse at the doc's office, if I'm not feeling "a whole lot better" tomorrow, I'm to come in and be seen. Then they'll want to see something besides my urine.

DarthHusband's going back to work tomorrow...here's to "feeling a whole lot better."

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