Wednesday, March 01, 2006

No Gerry Butler Reference Today

Eeny just informed me he watched “Tickle-y Town Heroes.” It’s really Higglytown Heroes, and I hate that show. But I’m in here on the computer, doing Useful and Important things. Okay, not really. I’m putting off going downstairs to get Eeny’s shorts so he can go outside and take advantage of the weather. It’s 75 today. I’m feeling “a whole lot better,” at least I will if I can get some protein into me. DarthHusband has been taken down by an ugly stomach bug, and it seems he got what I had. Ugh.

Update from later this evening.

My mom took Eeny to his very first dance class tonight (I'm exhausted, and now Brandon's got The Sickness). Okay, so according to Daddy, who is Manly and Stuff, it's "gross motor movement" and it's called "Hop, Skip, Jump," but he was the only boy in a room full of pink tutus, so it's a damn dance class.

Anyway, she said he did really well for having never been in a group class before, and he really liked getting a car stamp on his hand. I asked him if he had dance class tonight, and he said yes. Then I asked him if he liked dance class. His response?

"I love dancing ballet."

Heh. That's my boy.

Take that, Daddy.

In other news, The Rooster has lately been holding a small squish pillow above his head, then flinging it down to the floor, and simultaneously landing on top of it, face first. This works really well, and is a crack up to watch, that is, until he decides to try this on the hardwood floor in the living room, and forgets to toss the pillow first. The poor baby has a nice big purple bruise, right in the middle of his forehead.

In still more other news, Eeny hung out at my dad's office a little tonight, and we've now discovered his first Big Fear. My eldest son is afraid of....................... (drumroll please).....................................
......................chickens. Yes, chickens.

Mom told me he got very upset at the sight of the Fisher~Price barn and farm yard, and started talking about the chickens behind the fence and saying he was scared of the chickens. I'd forgotten--when we were at the zoo last week in the petting section, he walked over to the outside of the fowl pen and was promptly rushed by a goose. Fortunately, a long talk about how there are no chickens in our house, and a few rounds of the "That Chicken's Got the Hiccups" song by The Wiggles seem to have done the trick for tonight.

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