Sunday, March 12, 2006

It's my 150th post!

Since it is my 150th entry, I was going to do a list of all things 15o. However, Strong Bad has only answered 147 emails, so that plan has fallen through.

I will, however, blog about several things.

1) It is rude of DarthHusband to interrupt a sex dream involving Guess Who on a morning I'm supposed to be sleeping in, and deposit a baby in my arms and claim, "He's hungry and needs a nap." That always ends the dream. Too bad.

2) I'm thinking of things. I've come to the conclusion that I just don't know where the boundaries in my marriage are or should be. We're in the midst of a renegotiation of them, and it's not particularly comfortable. The biggest disservice growing up in the Church has done my marriage is the idea that the Christian Wife submits to her husband translating into The Christian Wife becoming a doormat.

So, I'm thinking of stuff like this:

--If I have not gotten to the laundry or the dishes, and dinner is not ready, you have two choices: You may occupy the children without complaining, or you can do those chores yourself, also without complaining. I do what I can when you're gone, but once you're home, it's time to pitch in.

--You may not take off for your evening bathroom visit while both children are still in high chairs. You're not the only one who needs to pee and get ready to put small children to bed.

That's it for now. I think we're coming up on some actual boundary defining, and that's a positive thing.

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