Tuesday, May 25, 2004


I saw the Dr Pepper commercial with Patricia Manterola and Ana Gabriel again today. There's been something about that commercial that bugs me, and I've decided what it is. Ana Gabriel, the older artist, is wearing more clothing than her younger counterpart. I thought it showed the difference between the generations, even though Ms Gabriel is only about 10 years older than Ms Manterola. What stood out to me was the number of times the camera chose to focus on the latter's navel. I'm not a prude, but it seemed to me that it was kind of unnecessary. I'm having a hard time articulating what I mean, but I guess it can be summed up as, too bad the "younger" musicians feel that their music is not enough and that they have to become sex symbols, too. On the flip side, too bad the producers of the Dr Pepper commercials feel that Ms Gabriel is too old for a midriff shirt of her own. LOL

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