Sunday, May 23, 2004

My first entry

Well, I've done it. I've started a blog. Mostly it's just a place to get out my feelings, ramble endlessly, and let my thoughts be known. If nobody likes it, no big deal, but hopefully one or two people will.
Where to begin? Ok, I'm a Stay at Home Mom, which is somewhat of a misnomer, since I spend most of my day running errands. I have one child, a son (hereafter known as N) who was born at home last summer. My son is 10 months old, and the sweetest thing in the world, IMNSHO. I'm married to a teacher, who will be known as B in my little cast of characters. We've been married for about 2 and a half years, and they've been good ones for the most part. What people don't tell you when you get married is that no matter how much you truly like, respect, and love each other, you're inevitably going to get on each other's nerves at some point, and that's ok.
Anyway, I'm up at nearly two am, holding my sleepy but too-active-to-drift-off child on my lap while he plays with a flashlight that has a green bulb. It just occured to me that I've been nursing this child for 10 months. My earliest goal of one year is just two short months away. I have now been breastfeeding longer than anyone in B's family did, and longer than they thought I'd last. I wonder how they'll react a year from now when they find out he's still nursing. BIL was in town a couple of weeks ago, and asked how long I was going to keep it up. I explained that I'd like to meet the WHO's recommendation of at least two years, but that 1 year was my absolute minimum. BIL then proceeds to tell me that he's sure N will wean pretty quickly after he turns one. It made me laugh. This child is extremely attached to his 'milkies,'him wean quickly? I don't think so. This was only the second time BIL had seen N since his birth, and somehow, I don't find him to be an accurate judge of my child's character and habits.
I should probably give some more details about me. I'm extremely opinionated in matters of parenting, and I like things done my way. If you don't agree, fine, so be it, but be prepared. I'm one to say what's on my mind, although I'll try to be tactful about it. N is now 'singing' his I'm Tired song (blah-ba-blah-aaahhhhhh), and I'm tired, too, so I'm off to sleep.

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