Thursday, January 06, 2005

Happy 2005!

It started out well. :) It's been a while since I've updated this thing. Here's the skinny: N is now sleeping blissfully in his own bed, and is nursing less and less at night. My nipples sing for joy, as pregnancy is not a fun time to be a nursing mama. This is great. I'm loving sleeping in my own space, even though I miss my little space-heater. He's on a crib mattress on the floor on DH's side of the bed, and he likes to listen to him snore at night. N was starting to kick and flail like a maniac at night, and since he started off the night by himself well, we decided to go ahead and see how a move out went. If there is such a thing, it's been the perfect transition ::::knocks on wood:::: and we're all reaping the benefits.

Aside from a 32 pound weight gain, and some uncomfortable varicose veins, the pregnancy is going smoothly, and I'm beginning to fall in love with the idea of two little boys. I wonder if this one is my Dream-Baby. If not, I know he's waiting in the wings, which is a definite possibility, considering B said we could keep going until we have a girl, and the strong dominance of the Y chromosome in his family. LOL

B has a job interview on Tuesday, for a mid-level management position with a large financial corporation. We have no idea what it entails, but we'll see how the interview goes.


Lunasea said...

What's your Dream-Baby?

Lindsay said...

My Dream-Baby is the baby I dreamt about on September 21st. The night after A told me it was a girl, I had this dream, in which I had a baby boy. I can still remember his face clearly.