Thursday, January 06, 2005

Now....the crap

I didn't really expect to hear from any of The Playgroup after hearing from H. I truly didn't. I didn't even expect to get a phone call or a text message when J had her baby. That was supposed to be this Friday, but this kid had other ideas. I didn't even expect A (who has a tv of mine, by the way) to call when she got back into town. I know she got The Email. I'm just.....just.... Yeah. I feel so defeated by the whole thing. I talked to M today, and she told me J had had her baby, and that there's a playgroup at A's scheduled for tomorrow. Of course, I haven't heard a peep from anyone still. That's really okay, I guess. I mean, I don't want to waste my time with backstabbing catty girls who never left adolescence, but after today's developments, I've decided I'd like some farking closure.
I'm now thinking that perhaps A and J did it together. So now I'm mulling over the best way to get the tv back from A, and to drop off the baby gate of J's we've been borrowing. I think I'll just email H and ask her to take it by when she goes to playgroup at J's next week.

It would be nice if my sweet little baby weren't affected by this crap. N's missing his friends. We have a picture of all of them at the Pumpkin Patch in October, and he spent an hour carrying it around saying, "Baby!" to it, and giving it kisses. It's hard to watch him miss the kids he's been closest to for the last year. Dammit, hurting me is one thing, but I hate hate HATE that this is bugging my baby.

1 comment:

Lunasea said...

Oh, that's so hard - the part about N got me all choked up. I can't believe you haven't heard from more of them.