Sunday, January 16, 2005


Since I've been lazy about updating, B's interview turned out to be an oh-so-lovely pyramid scheme, and when he discovered what it was and called the interviewer back, she had figured that he'd be one to actually get off of his ass and do some research about the company, therefore, she wasn't the least bit surprised at him cancelling further appointments.

Finally watched Elisabeth Rohm's "dramatic exit" from Law and Order last night. I thought it was about time for a new ADA. This one was starting to bug me. Anyway, I'm going to be ruining it for those of you that haven't gotten around to your TiVos yet, so if you still haven't seen it, skip this.

For those that don't care about ruining it and haven't seen it, Rohm, as Serena Southerlyn, ADA, comes into the DA's office after a case in which she firmly believed in the innocence of the accused (he was, but the kid had a million chances to be honest and save his ass and didn't--sucks to be him), and was told that she had a lot of passion and that she was an advocate, and that prosecution was not the best type of work for her. Branch, the DA says, "You're fired." She says, with tears in her eyes, "Oh." A dramatic pause ensues. "Is this because I'm a lesbian?"------Ummmm....WTF? She's a lesbian?---Anyway, Branch looks really surprised and answers that it's not, and she says, "Okay." And that's the end. Wow. Oh least they didn't kill this one off.

First of all, who gives a rat's ass? Second, I cannot recall a single episode (and I'm a dedicated viewer) in which this was ever mentioned before, or where it was even hinted at that this might have been an issue. So, this seems to be a really lame attempt at a ratings grab, and frankly, I like L&O much better than CSI:NY, so if Nielsen would just contact me, they wouldn't have a thing to worry about. I'm now headed over to Jump The Shark - Chronicling the Moments of When TV Shows go Downhill to go to see if this moment made the site yet. I think this might just be it.......

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