Friday, March 25, 2005

So today

I had a midwife appointment. It went really well. She did tell me today that legally, she has to use my LMP due date (which puts me due oh, this past Monday) on the charts, and if I actually make my due date by ovulation (and sonogram), that she'll have to send me in to the OB for a checkup. That's fine, I've already got a visit for 4/5 scheduled just for the heck of it. My weight gain is holding steady at around 60lbs, my blood pressure's in the range of normal for me at this point in pregnancy, and my urine dip was "perfect" :::giggle, snort::: I have perfect pee. :P

Anyway, Fidget's heartrate is a lovely 130s-140s with good accelerations, and N was a sweetie during the measuring (43cm, still), and patted my belly and kissed it, and kept his hand on my belly while we were checking the heart tones. MW's going to leave a doppler here for us, so we can check FHTs on our own, since Fidget's slowed down. He's pretty much run out of room, and he's always been calmer than Ian was anyway. The MWs are estimating his weight to be around 8.5lbs, which is about what Ian was at this gestation. Speaking of gestation, I'm irked. I know when I ovulated, the sonogram date confirms it. I hate, hate, hate that my LMP is even being considered here at all. Bah!

B woke up this morning with a 102 degree fever. @@ Timing. Seriously. I love the man, but he's going to drive me nuts with his ill-timed illnesses. This is the second one in two months that he's managed to pull. I know, it's because he works so hard that his body has to force him to take breaks, but geez, can't his body force him to take breaks in a way that doesn't involve a doctor wanting to put him on Very Expensive Antibiotics, especially when we just spent the last of our money on Not So Expensive Antibiotics? Oh well, so, as enormously pregnant as I am, it looks like this baby will be staying put for a few days. I guess that's okay, I really need the sleep.

I think I'll call my mom tomorrow and have her watch N while I go swimming. I need to rest a bit, and that involves me, a swimming pool, and a nice, toasty shower afterward.

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