Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Holy freaking cow

Um.  Well.  I guess I get to put my theories on pain into practice again.  My friend J is getting married on Friday.  Her bachelorette party was tonight.  I was in charge of bringing the $4 champagne.  I fully intended to have a glass, when I realized my temperatures are still up.  At 14 days past ovulation, and I'm cranky and tired.  Very cranky and tired.  So, on a whim, I forgo my usual $1.50 test from an online company, and get a drugstore test.  The thing turns positive before I can finish putting it down.  Ho-lee shiznit.  I'm pregnant.                           :::::::thud:::::::

1 comment:

Lunasea said...

Same thing happened to me - planned to have a glass of champagne for our anniversary, pulled an old test out of the bathroom just to make sure....and the rest is history! CONGRATULATIONS! Way to go on getting those 4!!